AFCAT Recruitment 2021: The Indian Air Force has issued a short notification for the Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT – 02/2021) 2021. Through this examination, recruitments will be made in the flying branch and ground duty (technical and non-technical) of the Indian Air Force. The online application process will start on June 1. Interested and eligible candidates will be able to apply online by June 30 by visiting and 334 posts will be filled through this recruitment.
Age limit
Flying Branch
AFCAT – 20 to 24 years. Age will be calculated from 1 July 2022. That is, the applicant should have been born between 02 July 1998 to 01 July 2002.
Ground duty (technical and non-technical) – 20 to 26 years. Age will be calculated from 1 July 2022. That is, the applicant should have been born between 02 July 1996 to 01 July 2002.
AFCAT Recruitment 2021 Selection Process
There will be an online AFCAT exam. Candidates with Ground Duty (Technical) branch will also have to appear in the Engineering Knowledge Test. The final merit will be based on performance in both the AFCAT and AFSB exams.
Exam Pattern
100 questions will be asked in 2 hours 45 minutes test which will be from General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, Numerical Ability, Reasoning, Military Aptitude. The paper will be of 300 marks.
Practice Test
Candidates can also give practice test by visiting or
Application Fee
250 rupees
– For NCC Special Entry – No application fee.
– For Metrology Entry – No application fee.
Interested candidates can apply online by visiting or
Last time it was asked for merit in this recruitment, maybe this time too.
ALso, Read This: DSSSB Recruitment 2021: Applications invited for 7236 posts of TGT, Patwari, Clerk, Assistant Teacher
Educational Qualification
Flying Branch – 12th pass with 50% marks, Maths and Physics subject in 12th and
graduation in any discipline with 60% marks.
BE / B.Tech degree with 60% marks
Ground Duty (Technical) Branch:
12th pass with 50% marks, Maths and Physics subject in 12th and
four-year degree in Engineering / Integrated Post Graduation
Ground Duty (Non-Technical):
Graduation in any discipline with 12th pass and 60% marks.
Metrology – 12th pass and Post Graduate degree in Science stream / Maths / Stats / Geography / Computer Applications / Environment Science / Applied Physics / Oceanography / Metrology / Agriculture Metrology / Ecology & Environment / Geo Physics / Environmental Biology (with 50% marks)