Bank account: If you do not have Rs 342 in your bank account, then there can be a loss of up to Rs 4 lakh. Actually, the last date for the annual renewal of Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) is 31 May. If you do not renew both these plans, then you may be deprived of insurance up to Rs 4 lakh.
Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima: Under this scheme, coverage is given for death due to any reason. The age limit to join this scheme is 18-50 years. Those who join the plan before the age of 50 years can get life risk coverage till the age of 55 years on payment of premium.
Benefit: Life insurance cover of Rs 2 lakh on a premium payment of Rs 330 per annum, irrespective of the cause of death.
Registration: Registration under the scheme can be done by visiting the branch/BC point or website of the account holder’s bank or by visiting the post office. Under the scheme, the premium can be paid by auto-debit from the bank account based on the order placed only once by the customer. For detailed information, you can visit the website link
Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima: This scheme provides coverage for death or disability due to accidents. The age period to join the scheme is 18-70 years. There is an accidental death cum disability cover of Rs 2 lakh (Rs 1 lakh in case of partial disability) for accidental death or disability.
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Registration: Registration under the scheme can be done by visiting the branch / BC point or website of the account holder’s bank or by visiting the post office with reference to the post office savings bank account.
Under the scheme, the premium can be paid by auto-debit from the bank account based on the order placed only once by the customer. You can take this link from