Apple launched the new iPhone SE 2022 model with 5G support at its ‘Peak Performance’ event on March 8. This is the most affordable new iPhone that supports 5G. Also, the new iPhone SE 2022 model comes with the same chipset that powers the latest iPhone 13 series smartphone. In India, the Apple iPhone SE (2022) will be available in 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB models in Midnight, Starlight, and Red. The starting price of which will be Rs 43,900.
Talking about the design, the new iPhone SE 2022 looks very similar to the current iPhone SE. However, Apple has upgraded the hardware specs and the new model will come with the latest iOS version. Apple iPhone SE 2022 will be available for pre-order from March 11 and will be available for purchase in India from March 18.
The Apple iPhone SE 2022 comes with a similar-sized 4.7-inch display and features an aerospace-grade aluminum and glass design. Apple claims that it is using the strongest glass on the front and back of the smartphone – as it has done on the iPhone 13 Pro and the back of the iPhone 13.
iPhone SE 2022 has been made IP67 water and dust resistance. It does not have a Face ID feature for unlocking while it does have a Home button with Touch ID.
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Supports Wireless and Fast Charging
Apple said about the phone’s features that “Even with its compact form factor and new technologies like 5G, the iPhone SE will outperform the previous generation and older 4.7-inch iPhone models.” Has a longer battery life. The iPhone SE comes with a Qi-certified charger for wireless charging and supports fast charging as well.
The new Apple Phone SE 2022 has a 12-megapixel / 1.8 aperture wide camera that offers Smart HDR, Photographic Style, Deep Fusion, and Portrait Mode.