Bengal Election: Former Union Minister Yashwant Sinha joined Mamata Banerjee’s party Trinamool Congress on Saturday. He joined the party at the TMC office in Kolkata. Yashwant Sinha has taken the decision just before the West Bengal elections. Yashwant Sinha, who was the finance minister in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, has been one of the critics of the Modi government since 2014.
After joining TMC, Yashwant Sinha said that the country is facing unprecedented situation today. Democracy is strengthened in institutions of democracy. All these institutions, including the judiciary, are now weakened. He further said that in Atalji’s time the BJP believed in consensus, but today’s government believes in crushing and winning. Akali, BJD left BJP, who is with BJP today?
In such a situation, it is likely that he will campaign in West Bengal after joining TMC. Many times he has criticized the Modi government on economic matters. His son Jayant Sinha was the Minister of State for Finance from 2014 to 2019, but during that time he also criticized the party leadership several times.
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Know More about Yashwant Sinha
Yashwant Sinha is mainly from Patna. At the same time, he has done his studies in Patna. In 1958, he obtained a master’s degree in political science. After this, during his tenure in the Indian Administrative Service in 1960, he served for more than 24 years while holding several important posts. Yashwant Sinha then resigned from the Indian Administrative Service in 1984 and joined active politics as a member of the Janata Party. Four years later in 1988, he was elected a member of the Rajya Sabha. At the same time, in March 1998, he was appointed Finance Minister in the government of Atal Bihar Vajpayee. Yashwant Sinha represented the constituency of Hazaribagh in Bihar, now in Jharkhand, in the Lok Sabha. In the 2004 Lok Sabha elections, he lost from Hazaribagh’s seat. However, he reached Parliament again in 2005 the following year. After this, in 2009, he resigned as the BJP vice-president.
Bengal Election to be held in 8 phases
Voting is to be held in 8 phases in West Bengal with 294 assembly seats. The first phase of voting will take place on 27 March. After this, the second round of voting is to be held on 1 April. On April 6, the third round of voting will take place. The fourth phase of voting is to be held on 10 April. Voting for the 5th phase will take place on 17 April. After this, the sixth round of voting will be held in West Bengal on 22 April. The seventh round of voting will be held on 26 April and then the votes will be counted on 2 May.
Mamta Banerjee is in the fray from Nandigram
CM Mamta Banerjee has already released the list of 291 TMC candidates in West Bengal Election. CM Mamata Banerjee herself is contesting from the Nandigram assembly seat. While releasing the list of candidates last month, Mamta Banerjee said that TMC will not field its candidates in three seats in North Bengal. The list of candidates released by TMC has 50 women and 42 Muslim candidates. Apart from this, 79 candidates from the Dalit community have been given a chance.