Another amazing feature has been added to WhatsApp. This new feature in WhatsApp can be of great use to you. With the help of this new WhatsApp feature, users will now be able to mute that video before sending any video to any other user. That is, WhatsApp users will now be able to stop the voice of the video being sent from their side. When your sent video is received by other users, there will be no voice in it. This long-awaited feature of WhatsApp was waiting for a long time.
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It will soon reach all WhatsApp users.
This feature was in the first beta version of WhatsApp’s Mute Video feature. Now its stable version has arrived. The live Hindustan team has used this new feature of WhatsApp. We have used this feature of WhatsApp on Android devices. This new feature of WhatsApp may not have reached all the users yet. In the coming 1-2 days, this Dhansu feature of WhatsApp can reach all users.
In this way, you can turn off the sound of the video
WhatsApp user if you want to send muted video. That is, when the video reaches the other user, his voice does not come, for this, you have to follow the process of sending the video on the same side as before. The mute video feature of WhatsApp is given near the edit video option in the video sending window. The speaker icon is given on the top left side. To mute a video, users only need to tap on the speaker icon before sending it to anyone. Above, there is also the duration and size of the video.
WhatsApp has been in the headlines for the past few days. The reason for this is the new privacy policies of WhatsApp. Earlier, WhatsApp was to implement the new rules from 8 February 2021, but was later postponed until 15 May 2021. WhatsApp has also faced criticism for its new privacy policy. Also, many users have also switched to other messaging apps.