Only 3 days left! Your PAN Card may become useless – Do this NOW


PAN Card-Aadhaar Card linking: Only three days are left for the end of PAN-Aadhaar linking deadline. PAN not linked with Aadhaar in the next three days may become useless from next month. There is, however, no need to worry for those who have already linked their PAN with Aadhaar. On 31st March this year, Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) of Ministry of Finance had issued a notification clarifying that the deadline for PAN-Aadhaar linking was extended till September 30, 2019. The CBDT statement said, “It has been reported in some sections of the media that those PANs which are not linked with Aadhaar number by 31.03.2019 may be invalidated. The matter has been considered by the Central Government and now the cut-off date for intimating the Aadhaar number and linking PAN with Aadhaar is 30.09.2019 unless specifically exempted. ”

The government had also made clear that quoting and linking Aadhaar was mandatory for filing Income Tax Return.

“Notwithstanding the last date of intimating/linking of Aadhaar Number with PAN being 30.09.2019, it is also made clear that w.e.f. 01.04.2019, it is mandatory to quote and link Aadhaar number while filing the return of income, unless specifically exempted,” CBDT had said.

The deadline for PAN-Aadhaar linking has been extended multiple times in the past. So, it is unlikely that the government will once again increase the deadline.

Source: financialexpress

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