PM Modi’s Big Announcement: children who lost their parents due to Corona epidemic. On Saturday, the PM tweeted, saying, ‘All the children who lost their parents due to Corona will be assisted under the’ PM-Cares for Children ‘scheme. Such children will get a monthly stipend at the age of 18 and a fund of 10 lakh rupees from PM Cares at the age of 23.
The PM said that in such trying times it is our duty, as a society, to care for our children and instill hope for a bright future. All children who have lost both parents or surviving parents or legal guardian/adoptive parents due to Covid 19 will be supported under the ‘PM-CARES for Children’ scheme. He also added that the measures being announced have only been possible due to the generous contributions to the PM CARES Fund which will support India’s fight against COVID-19.
Free insurance and interest free loan
According to information received from the PMO, all orphaned children will be given free education. The children will be assisted to get an education loan for higher education & PM CARES will pay interest on the loan. The children will get free health insurance of Rs 5 lakh under Ayushman Bharat till 18 years & the premium will be paid by PM CARES.
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Will do everything to protect children’s Future
PM Modi said that children represent the future of the country and we will do everything to support and protect children. It is our duty as a society to take care of our children and awaken the hope of a bright future. Let us tell you that PM Modi has also written Supporting Our Nation’s Future in his tweet. It means in Hindi – to support the future of the nation.