Reliance Jio on Friday announced the ‘Jio Happy New Year Offer’ to offer customers with a 100 percent cashback on the recharge of Rs. 399. The new offer, which will last until January 31, 2019, comes in partnership with fashion portal Ajio. Thus, the cashback comes in the form of an Ajio coupon worth Rs. 399. The coupon can be redeemed over and above the existing Ajio offers. The new move comes days after Reliance Jio extended the Jio Celebrations Pack that adds 2GB of additional data for five days.
Under the Jio Happy New Year Offer, Reliance Jio is offering those who buy the Rs. 399 recharge the same priced Ajio coupon that can be redeemed over and above the existing Ajio offers. The coupon will be credited in the MyCoupons section of the MyJio app. Further, the coupon can be used on the Ajio app or website to make purchases with a minimum cart value of Rs. 1,000.
The Jio Happy New Year Offer will run between December 28, 2018, and January 31, 2019. The Ajio coupon received under the offer can be redeemed on or before March 15.
It is worth noting here that the Jio Happy New Year Offer is applicable only on the Rs. 399 recharge that is considered as the highest selling tariff by the telco. Furthermore, the offer is applicable to both existing and new Jio users.
The Jio Happy New Year Offer is valid will also the Rs. 399 recharges done through any official channel, including Jio retailers and online.
As we mentioned, the new offer comes days after Reliance Jio extended the Jio Celebration Pack that offers 2GB of additional data for free, offering 10GB data over the course of five days. The pack was initially launched back in September, though it extended for some users last month.