This Service of Amazon, Flipkart Affects Your CIBIL Score! Learn About It

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Shopping on Amazon, Flipkart: Shopping from e-commerce websites is now becoming a part of people’s everyday life. In such a situation, we also use many services of these sites. But do you know that one of their payment services can affect your CIBIL score? In such a situation, use it carefully.

Know what CIBIL Score is: In today’s era, taking credit from financial institutions has become easier than before. In this case, CIBIL Score is your credit profile. It is like a 3-digit rating that acts as a benchmark of your credit-taking ability. According to your credit history, it tells you how much loan you can take at present.

How Much CIBIL Score is Correct?: Often people remain in a dilemma that what should be the CIBIL Score of a person. So let us tell you that most of the banks see the CIBIL score of the person before giving the loan and its stay above 700 marks is considered good for getting the loan. Those having a CIBIL score below this will not get the loan. Not so, but it greatly affects the credit line of that person.

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Pay Later facility of Amazon, Flipkart: Both Amazon and Flipkart offer Pay Later facility to their customers to make purchases. This is a type of instant credit line. Due to which customers get the facility to buy goods in easy installments on these platforms. On both platforms, customers get a minimum credit line of up to Rs 10,000.

This service affects your CIBIL Score like this: It has often been seen that many times people take the Pay Later facility of Amazon or Flipkart, but never use it. In this case, this service affects your CIBIL Score. Because when your CIBIL Score is ready, the Pay Later service limit is reflected in your total credit line and thus it affects your CIBIL Score. What else affects your CIBIL Score

This also affects CIBIL Score: Pay Later service of Amazon or Flipkart does not affect your CIBIL Score. Rather, the more credit cards you have, their credit line will affect your CIBIL score. At the same time, not paying loan installments on time or not being regular in paying credit card bills, etc. also affects your credit score.

Use Pay Later service carefully: If you want to keep your CIBIL score in a good range, then be more careful while using the Pay Later service of Amazon or Flipkart. If you do not need this service, then you should avoid activating it on your account, and use only as many credit cards as you need.

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