Veteran Bollywood actor Dilip Kumar passed away on Wednesday morning (July 7). 98-year-old Dilip Kumar was ailing for a long time. He was recently admitted to the hospital due to difficulty in breathing. After which the news of his death came. His death has been given on Dilip Kumar’s official Twitter handle. The people of the film industry and their fans are paying tribute on social media.
Was admitted due to respiratory problems
According to the report of ANI, Dr. Jalil Parkar, a pulmonologist who was treating him, also gave this news. Dilip Kumar was admitted to Hinduja Hospital. After Dilip Kumar’s health deteriorated, his wife Saira Banu was giving constant updates through social media. Dilip Kumar was admitted to the hospital on June 6. He had trouble breathing. There were reports that fluid was collected in his lungs, after which he was discharged after treatment. After this, on June 29, after feeling some problem, he had to get admitted again to the hospital.
A health update was given on his Twitter account in which the condition was said to improve. At the same time, Saira Banu had also told the media that she would take him home soon. But this time, even after lakhs of prayers from the fans and close ones, Dilip Sahab left this world saying goodbye.
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Lost his two brothers last year
Let us inform you that last year Dilip Kumar lost his two younger brothers Aslam Khan, 88-year-old, and Ehsan Khan, 90, due to Corona. After which he did not even celebrate his birthday and wedding anniversary. Saira Banu had told that the news of the death of the brothers was not given to her for a long time.