UP Police SI Recruitment 2021: The process of application for the 9534 vacancies of Sub-Inspector (SI) in UP Police drawn by Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB or UPPBPB) has started. Interested candidates can apply online by visiting uppbpb.gov.in. The process of application will be completed in three stages – registration will have to be done in the first phase. In the second phase, all the details including your qualification will have to be entered and documents will have to be uploaded. Fees will have to be submitted in the third phase.
If you are also willing to apply, you can apply from the below link https://upprpbsie20.onlineapplicationform.org/UPPRPBR/.
Let us tell you that out of a total of 9534 SI posts, 3613 posts are unreserved. 902 posts are reserved for EWS, 2437 posts OBC, 1895 SC, 180 ST category. Applications for these posts can be made till 30 April 2021.
Learn the necessary details related to UP Police SI Recruitment 2021 here
Of the 9534 vacant posts of SI, there are 9027 posts in Civil Police, 484 in Platoon Commander PAC, and 23 posts of Fire Officers.
Eligibility Details
SI post in Civil Police and Platoon Commander PAC – Graduation in
Science side – For Graduate Fire Officer Second Officer in any discipline.
Age limit – 21 to 28 years. That is, the candidate was not born before 1 July 1993 and not after 1 July 2000.
SC, ST, OBC category of Uttar Pradesh will be given a relaxation of 5-5 years in the age limit.
Pay Scale – 9300 – 34800 and Grade Pay – Rs 4200
Height-related qualification
For general, OBC and SC category – at least 168 cm
for ST class – 160 cm
For General, OBC, and SC categories- 79 cm without inflated and 84 cm inflated
For ST category- 77 cm without inflated and 82 cm inflated.
Note that at least 5 cm of chest swelling is mandatory.
For Women Candidates
For General, OBC, and SC category – at least 152 cm for
ST category- 147 cm
At least 40 kg for all female candidates
Selection Process
Written examination and physical efficiency test.
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The pattern of written test
The written test will be 400 marks in which written objective-type questions will be asked. This two-hour online written test will have one question paper for four different subjects.
General Hindi – 100 Marks
Basic / Constitution / General Knowledge – 100 Marks
Numerical & Mental Aptitude Test – 100 Marks
Mental Aptitude Test / Intelligence Test / Logical Examination – 100 Marks
Candidates who pass the written examination will be called for the Physical Efficiency Test. Physical efficiency test will be qualifying only.
Physical Efficiency Test:
Men – 4.8 km race will have to be completed in 28 minutes.
For women – 2.4 km race will have to be completed in 16 minutes.
Application fee
General & OBC – Rs 400
SC, ST – Rs 400
Final Merit
Candidates who qualify the Physical Efficiency Test will be called for medical on the basis of their marks in the written examination. The final merit list will be made on the basis of the score in the written examination.
Like every time lakhs of candidates will apply for it, in such a situation, there will be a tie in the marks of many candidates. Candidates applying will be called for the written test first. Candidates successful in the written test will be called for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET). Those who succeed in PET will get a place in the final merit based on the marks obtained in the written examination.
If two or more candidates have the same marks in the final merit, then who will be selected? Who will be placed above merit? For this, the UPPRPB has made three rules. Candidates who meet these rules will be placed above merit.
Rule number – 1
1- (a) having O level certificate in computer from DOEACC / NIELIT Society.
(b) – Must have served in the Territorial Army for at least 2 years
(c) – Have NCC B certificate.
If the person possessing the above qualification will be given preference. If a person has more than one of the above qualifications, then his qualification will be considered as one.
Rule No. 2 – If the decision is not made now, then the candidate with older age will be given preference.
Rule No. 3 – The name of the candidate who will be in the 10th certificate will be given preference according to the first English letter of his name. Whose English letter will come first in the alphabet, it will be given preference.
Interested candidates will be able to apply by visiting uppbpb.gov.in.